Though it is not only needed, but deserved; the One Direction hiatus is one of the toughest things Directioners as a whole have went through. They boys have worked non-stop for years now; touring, recording, making perfume and makeup all while trying to live a halfway normal life. If there is one thing that all 1D fans can agree on, it is that they miss watching Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall on stage doing what they love. For 18 or so long months, the only performances to view are prerecorded ones and ones we want to relive. We wanted to compile a list of some of the best songs the boys have ever performed live. Songs that no one will ever forget!
5. “You & I”
Live, this song can touch emotions you never knew you had. Zayn always hit that high note for us, and did it with so much passion. When he left, we couldn’t help but be so proud of Liam for taking on that challenge and smashing it! All of the boys put their whole heart into this song, you can hear it every time they sing it.
4. “Moments”
Ah, “Moments”. It’s just one of those songs every time you hear it, the tears stream down your face.
3. “Where Do Broken Hearts Go?”
Although not a single, “Where Do Broken Hearts Go?” is an epic unforgettable song! Every time this was played live the crowd couldn’t help but scream, dance and sing along. Even Rolling Stones guitar player Ronnie Wood wanted a piece of the WDBHG action on the X-Factor back in 2014.
2. Best Song Ever
How can you go wrong with watching One Direction singing the “Best Song Ever”, literally! This song is one that will live on forever, something even the moms and dads can get up and dance to!
1. What Makes You Beautiful
The song that brought these 5 amazing boys into our life is a song no one can get sick of. It’s nostalgic, something that will live in the hearts of Directioners for the rest of eternity. There is something special about watching them play this song even after 5 years.
Even though we can’t purchase a ticket and go watch these amazing 4 guys perform out favorite songs right now, doesn’t mean we can’t look back at all the amazing memories we’ve shared so far.
What song do you wish you could relive with One Direction? Tweet us here and let us know!