According To Simon Cowell, His 8-Year-Old Son Is Responsible For Helping Him Strike A Work-Life Bala

In a recent interview that was published in The Sun, Simon Cowell, who is 63 years old, discussed his profession, where it has been and where it is going, as well as the X factor in his personal life, which is his son Eric, who is eight years old.

Who knows what would have transpired if Eric hadn’t been there to save the day? Cowell said this in the interview. Before I met Eric, almost all of my time was spent working. I couldn’t get enough of it.

Cowell and his then-fiancée Lauren Silverman are the parents of their son, who was born in 2014. He was called after the late father of Cowell, who was very close to him until his passing.

After my parents’ deaths, I had the strangest feeling that I would never experience love like that again in my life. Then you have children, and he remarked that even though I never imagined I would feel that way, it surpasses your love for your parents.

How much you care for them almost causes you pain. Then you start wondering, When he’s an adult, what choices is his father going to have made for him? I often dwell on thoughts similar to those. Before the birth of his baby, the judge on America’s Got Talent claimed he was miserable.

Because Eric is in the picture, I no longer work long hours at the office. Who knows what might have transpired if he hadn’t been there to intervene? He became emotional throughout the conversation and said that the mere concept of it was too much for him to bear.

The TV personality then discussed his work routine during the height of his career, adding that he would often work till the hours 4, 6, and even 8 in the morning.


Cowell stated that the rating struggle between the U.K. successes of The X Factor, his program, and Strictly Come Dancing, the competition, was keeping him up at night. He mentioned that he was exhausted, miserable, and unhappy.
