Andrew Tate gives two-word reaction to Sean O'Malley's 'gay' tweet

Andrew Tate has weighed in on UFC bantamweight star 'Sugar' Sean O'Malley's 'gay' tweet. O'Malley recently took to his official Twitter account to post a tweet jokingly suggesting that people who vape are homosexual.

Sean O'Malley's tweet regarding vapers and the LGBT community elicited severe backlash. O'Malley's critics suggested that he's disrespected gay people by disparaging them, besides misrepresenting vapers' sexual orientation by painting them all with the same broad brush. O'Malley's tweet reads as follows:

"You vape you gay"

Several members of the combat sports community, including UFC middleweight Paulo Costa and BJJ savant Dillon Danis, issued responses to 'Sugar' over the tweet. Additionally, kickboxer-turned-social media influencer Andrew Tate has now responded to O'Malley's tweet. Tate tweeted a two-word response, which read as follows:

"Breathe Air."

Andrew Tate's response appears to have come across as ambiguous -- in the sense that it's unclear as to whether he's agreeing or disagreeing with Sean O'Malley. Regardless, a popular meme concerning Tate happens to be the "breathe air" meme, which has led some to speculate that he's extended his support to O'Malley over the latter's controversial tweet.

Tate's "breathe air" meme went viral in 2022 after he posted a video mocking people who vape. Besides, Tate has previously met O'Malley, with both combat sports personalities lauding one another and engaging in a cordial conversation. O'Malley, for his part, has time and again expressed his respect for the 36-year-old former kickboxer.

As seen in the "breathe air" meme video displayed below, Tate mockingly pretended to be a vaper and indicated that some individuals tend to be addicted to vaping:

"Breathe air! You don't need a vape. My vape's done charging. Load it up."

Watch Tate's meme video below:

'Sugar' Sean O'Malley on the "crazy" charges against Andrew Tate

In December 2022, Andrew Tate, his brother Tristan Tate, and two others were arrested by the anti-organized crime unit in Romania. They were accused of human trafficking and other serious crimes.

In June 2023, official charges were brought against the Tates and their accomplices. They've been indicted on charges of alleged human trafficking and forming an organized crime group to sexually exploit women.

After spending about three months in jail since the December 2022 arrest, the Tates were shifted to house arrest. In a recent interview with American media personality Tucker Carlson, Andrew Tate claimed that he's been falsely accused and is innocent.

In a recent edition of the Timbo Sugarshow podcast, 'Sugar' Sean O'Malley weighed in on Tate's aforementioned interview. 'Sugar' emphasized that the human trafficking allegations against Tate are indeed false. O'Malley stated:

"He's getting charged with human trafficking, but the definition of human trafficking that they have, they said that he's forcing girls to make tik-tok accounts and then taking the money from those videos... that's f**king crazy, bro... Daddy Tate ain't do that sh*t dude."

Watch O'Malley's assessment at 18:30 in the video below:

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