ARK Survival Ascended Achatina taming guide

ARK Survival Ascended is the Unreal Engine 5 remake of ARK Survival Evolved. Much like its predecessor, this title features plenty of diverse creatures that players can interact with. The game was released in October and is currently live on PC via Steam. It is expected to launch on PS5 and Xbox sometime this month.

In ARK Survival Ascended, you won't need to run away from gigantic creatures to ensure your survival. One key aspect of the game is taming, which allows you to tame beasts to either fight alongside you or gather resources for you.

Here's how you can tame Achatina, a reliable creature in the title.

How to tame Achatina in ARK Survival Ascended

Achatinas are snail-like creatures in ARK (Image via Studio Wildcard)

Achatinas in ARK Survival Ascended are big snails that are typically hunted by those who need cementing paste alternatives. These slow and passive creatures produce achatina paste when left alone after being tamed. This is an alternative to the cementing paste, which is primarily used to craft items in-game.

Taming Achatinas is easy, but locating one can be challenging. Achatinas thrive in damp and dark environments like marshes, swamps, and deep underground. This means you should check the center parts of the map where the marshes and swamps are located.

Achatina locations on the Lost Island map (Image via Studio Wildcard)

Head to (71, 43), (70, 52), and (60,62) for better chances of finding Achatinas. You can also try your luck inside caves in the (70,30) and (50,80) coordinates.

Once you find one, the next thing to do is to knock out the giant mollusk using tranq darts, crossbows, or wooden clubs. After you knock the snail out, tame it by feeding Sweet Vegetable Cakes. You'll need a few of these treats before the tame meter fills up.

Achatina stats in ARK Survival Ascended

Tame Achatinas using the knockout method (Image via Studio Wildcard)

The spawn stats for Achatinas are as follows:

  • Health – 75
  • Stamina – 100
  • Oxygen – Infinite
  • Food – 450
  • Weight – 600
  • Melee Damage – 0
  • Movement Speed – 100%
  • Torpidity – 50

Do note that Achatinas retreat to their shells when threatened. Their torpidity also increases once you tame them.

This wraps up our Achatina taming guide. Check this article for more taming guides.

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