Brittney Wood's disappearance: 5 chilling details

Brittney Wood disappeared into thin air on May 31, 2012, and her family only got wind of it when they discovered the uncle was shot and lying inside his own car.

Trigger warning: This article contains mentions of murder. Discretion is advised.

The 19-year-old woman's family lodged a missing person's complaint on June 2, 2012, and the case remains unsolved. The remains of her body are still not found.

However, while investigating the missing case, several terrifying details were uncovered about the family that shocked everyone.

The uncle, Donnie Holland, was a child abuse s*x ringmaster and abused Wood when she was a child. While the police are yet to get to the bottom of the case, the events relating to the incident are intriguing.

Watch Oxygen delve into the details of this nerve-wracking story through its true-crime series Monster in the Shadows. The episode will air on January 30.

Here's a short introduction to the episode:

"Alabama teen Brittney Wood disappears in 2012 and is never seen or heard from again; her family's investigation makes a breakthrough."

Here are some chilling details about Brittney Wood's disappearance

1) Wood was with her uncle on the day she went missing

On the day Brittney disappeared, she was thought to be visiting her friend, but that was not the case. She left at 7.30 pm in the evening and did not return. However, her family was not worried initially as it was not the first time that she did not return home for days. However, it was later discovered that she did not visit her friend but instead was with her uncle, Donnie Holland.

According to the investigation, she left home with her uncle and went to his house. What happened after that, however, remains a mystery as both Holland and Wood are dead.

2) Her uncle involved Brittney in the child s*x abuse ring

While it was initially unknown to the police, a thorough investigation into Wood's missing case led the police to discover that the woman's whole family was involved in a child s*x abuse ring and her uncle, who died, was the gang's leader.

Holland's wife, Wendy, and Wood's brother, Derek, were among the 11 members of the family who got arrested for being part of the s*x abuse ring.

3) Holland was shot with Brittney's gun

The investigation changed its course when it was revealed that the gun used to shoot Holland belonged to Brittney. Initially, Holland was believed to have killed himself, but after the revelation, investigators considered the possibility of it being a homicide. However, the case was not investigated further due to a lack of evidence.

Brittney's phone was also found inside the car, which led the investigators to believe that she was in the car with him on the day she went missing.

4) Brittney's mother, Chessie, was charged with s*xual abuse

Brittney's mother, Chessie, was also charged with child s*x abuse even though she claimed to be innocent. The mother allegedly had s*x with another underage female relative.

Chessie has not stopped her quest to find her daughter. She stated,

“I promised her that I would not give up ever until I take my last breath, and if this documentary is it which we’re praying it may be, we were willing to give it a shot.”

5) Donnie's wife deleted some texts from his phone

Donnie Holland's wife, Wendy, was also charged with child s*x abuse and was sentenced to 219 years in prison. In 2015, she was convicted of s*x abuse, and child torture.

When the investigation was underway, Wendy was believed to have deleted several texts from his husband's phone. The reason is unknown.

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