Regice has re-emerged in Pokemon GO with a new shadow form, thanks to the machinations of Team GO Rocket's Giovanni. This development has presented an excellent opportunity for trainers to capture the Ice-type Titan for their battle teams. While catching Regice will be helpful, some players are likely wondering if they can get a shiny version of this Pokemon.
Fortunately, the answer to this question is yes. Regice received its shiny form during the A Colossal Discovery event in November 2019. In most situations, if a trainer can encounter the regular version of this Pokemon, there is a small chance that it will appear in its shiny variant going forward. However, some Pokemon GO fans hoping to catch this exclusive version after defeating Giovanni may need to seek an alternative method.
Ways to capture shiny Regice in Pokemon GO
With Pokemon GO's Team GO Rocket Takeover currently underway in March 2023, Shadow Regice has appeared alongside Giovanni as part of his team. However, that creature can't be caught in its shiny iteration at the moment, so battling and defeating Giovanni won't do the trick.
Although Niantic introduced the ability to capture shiny Shadow Pokemon from Team GO Rocket Grunts during this Rocket Takeover event, it appears that Giovanni's Shadow Regice didn't receive the same treatment.
However, players shouldn't worry. There are plenty of ways to catch shiny Regice. The Pokemon GO creature and its fellow Legendary titans appear quite often in the game's raid rotation. For instance, Regice recently appeared in raids back in January 2023. Furthermore, during that same month, it was possible to acquire the Pocket Monster and its shiny version as PvP rewards. There is also Special Research to consider, which occasionally yields Regice appearances like it did during the Hoenn Tour Las Vegas event.
With the options outlined above, Pokemon GO fans should have multiple avenues to follow in pursuit of a shiny Regice. Catching the exclusive creature will require some patience though, as the current Team GO Rocket Takeover will likely need to pass before trainers can participate in another event that features the regular variant of that Pokemon and offers the opportunity to catch its shiny form.
At the moment, it's unclear as to when the opportunity to go after the special creature will present itself, as Regice did just receive its time in the sun in January. However, the Legendary titans are quite popular in this mobile title, and it's likely only a matter of time before this creature and its special variant reappear.
Waiting around for a specific Legendary Pokemon to re-emerge can be a pain, but Regice certainly always comes back around at some point. This is particularly true during the colder months of the year, as Winter-themed events tend to incorporate the Pocket Monster heavily into their plans.
Niantic may even announce Regice's return to raids, research, or PvP rewards before then, but patience will need to be a virtue for Pokemon GO players until the developers confirm an event containing Regice and its shiny form.
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