Celine Dion's Husband Ren Anglil Has Passed Away

Celine Dion spoke in 2013, before taking a hiatus from her Las Vegas residence, about her husband Rene Angelil’s cancer returning.  In a statement made that will resonate with us forever, Celine described René’s wish on how he would leave this world.

“I’ll say, ‘You’re scared? I understand. Talk to me about it,'” Celine confided. “And René says to me, ‘I want to die in your arms.’ OK, fine, I’ll be there, you’ll die in my arms.”

On January 14th, that very event happened.

In a statement made on facebook today this message was posted: “René Angelil, 73, passed away this morning at his home in Las Vegas after a long and courageous battle against cancer. The family requests that their privacy be respected at the moment; more details will be provided at a later time.”

René discovered Celine when she was just 12 and said she could be a star, their professional relationship turned romantic when Celine was 19 and he asked for Celine’s hand in marriage in 1991.  Their romance was a bit written in the stars. René looked over Celine from a young age, now Celine says, he will look over their entire family from a different place.

Our thoughts are with Celine and their family during this difficult time.
