Chad Coleman of The Walking Dead & The Wire went out a loud rant on the subway

I know Chad Coleman as the recently departed Tyreese of The Walking Dead. He also played Cutty on The Wire. Coleman recently had a bit of a meltdown on a NY subway train after he overheard two people talking about him. They realized he looked familiar and one of them said “No, we don’t know that n-word.” That seemed to set Coleman off because he then started pacing and yelling loudly to the entire train “My name is Chad L. Coleman. I’m on The Wire, The Walking Dead… Yes I’m an actor… I want to know where my humanitarians are? Where is your humanitarian?!” which makes no sense. I would assume he meant to say “where’s your humanity,” but got the words mixed up. He did correct himself toward the end and said “at the end of the day, where’s the humanitarian in you?” It’s good he clarified, because otherwise it sounded like he asked the passengers where their personal humanitarian was. I would like my own humanitarian, a kind of therapist who caters to my needs, like bringing me food while I talk it out. I guess that’s what moms are for. Coleman needs that kind of humanitarian, but I digress.

Coleman got really mad and hoarse as he yelled “If you need to write about it, if you need to record it get your phone out… tell me what the f you expose, nothing but the truth.” We of course know all this because someone did record it, the video is above and on TMZ. Then Coleman calmed down and the guy taping (presumably) told Coleman that he loved The Wire and that Cutty was the best character. Coleman kept trying to explain himself. He said “I”m saying, ‘here I am. That’s what I do. The stories that I tell… I’m just trying to help move forward, evolve.‘” At the ends he adds “I’m telling you, they will always judge who you are… decide that first.”

He sounded kind of wasted to me, but he later told TMZ he “was not drunk,” that he’s sorry to the other cast of The Walking Dead and also sorry to his family. “He’s not proud he couldn’t control his emotions.”

Coleman told TMZ he had “built up frustration” following the the turmoil in Baltimore. It’s been a bad week for so many people, and if someone did call him the N word his tirade makes more sense. It’s still not excusable though. This makes me sad because I loved him on Walking Dead and I’m mad they killed off his character. Judging from this video, he’s not taking it too well either.

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