Did Charlotte Powdrell sue the UFC champ? All the details we know so far

Israel Adesanya's ex-girlfriend Charlotte Powdrell was first seen with the UFC star after his middleweight title win over Robert Whittaker back in 2019. Adesanya and Powdrell have since parted ways and are seemingly not on the best of terms.

Adesanya, somewhat uncharacteristically, went on a public rant on his ex-girlfriend last month accusing her of selling information about him amidst a score of other things. The UFC middleweight champ also alluded that Powdrell had threatened to sue him for half of his assets and sabotage his deal with Puma. 'The Last Stylebender' wrote on his Instagram Stories:

"Also I really hope you lawyer up and come for my assets like you said, I hope you try affect my businesses such as Puma with your weak bitch threats. Please please do so, let pay for it all, you have a sugar daddy now who will pay for everything." h/t Sportskeeda

Israel Adesanya also showed his solidarity with footballer Achraf Hakimi who dodged his divorced wife's claims by transferring all his assets to his mother's name. He added on his Instagram Stories:

"Very relatable…Imagine being so fu*ken entitled that you think you deserve what a man has worked his whole life for. When you came into his life with nothing and tried to leave with millions. But like Achraf Hakimi, my assets are protected. I woulda taken half her sh*t too, but I don’t want half of NOTHING" h/t Sportskeeda

Sean Malley weighs in on Israel Adesanya's ex-girlfriend's alleged demands

While it is unclear if Israel Adesanya's ex-girlfriend Charlotte Powdrell has filed a lawsuit against him, the saga has certainly provided fodder for drama. UFC superstar Sean O'Malley recently weighed in on the situation, ardently siding with Adesanya.

'Sugar' finds it bizarre of Powdrell to expect half of Adesanya's assets, especially since they weren't married. O'Malley said on his YouTube channel:

"I'd seen Izzy tweet something and I was confused because I didn't really know, but Izzy's ex-girlfriend, they're not married, right, wants half of his shit. I don’t know how their relationship was because I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend, but to want half of what he’s gone out there and done is absolutely ridiculous... I mean it’s hard to say who knows maybe if they were together for 15 years since the beginning and she didn’t work because she was constantly making him food massage and at the gym doing all this stuff for him."

Catch Sean O'Malley's comments below:

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