Does Dominik Mysterio really hate Rey Mysterio?

Rey Mysterio found himself switching brands after negative encounters with his son Dominik Mysterio. The father and son used to have a close relationship, but all that changed after the latter betrayed the former at Clash at the Castle. Since then, it seems like there's nothing but hatred from the RAW star.

After Dominik Mysterio betrayed his father and Edge last September, he aligned himself with The Judgment Day and grew close with Rhea Ripley. Although he hasn't fought his father inside the ring, his words were enough to hurt the wrestling veteran.

The 25-year-old had stated that he hated his father during a RAW promo. Rey later expressed that those comments from his son hurt, especially since they had been together for over two decades. Not long after, the older Mysterio moved to SmackDown.

In the past, Dominik Mysterio confessed that he would never get in the ring with his father since it's hard to imagine how to trade shots with him. A year later, it's obvious how much that has changed.

Still, the 'hatred' Dom has for Rey Mysterio is all just for show. The RAW Superstar even mentioned before how there's never any bad blood when they train and they only grow as performers.

"There’s footage out there of us chain wrestling and doing some things. I was with him (Rey) training and I was putting some heat on him, trying some things out. We never get carried away, there’s never any bad blood. It’s always in good time and in learning, growing as performers and as wrestlers." [H/T Metro]

Dominik Mysterio attacks Rey Mysterio in their own home

Ever since the WWE veteran moved to Fridays, he has had fewer encounters with his son and The Judgment Day. The heelish group is feuding with The O.C. at the moment, who also brought in Mia Yim to battle Rhea Ripley. However, it looks like it's impossible for the Mysterios' paths not to cross once in a while.

In celebration of Thanksgiving, Dominik Mysterio brought The Eradicator home to introduce her to his family and celebrate the holidays. However, they were turned away by Dominik's mother, and later by Rey.

The Judgment Day duo didn't take this lightly and began attacking Rey Mysterio in front of the Mysterio household. Dom continued attacking his father and even focused on the latter's injured leg.

However, given Rey Mysterio's injury and being on a different brand, it looks like the two won't see each other in front of the camera for a while.

Do you want to see a solo feud between the father and son in the future? Share your thoughts below!

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