Guy Ritchie told Madonna shes old, fat, ugly, wrinkled

Boy Madonna’s “let’s slam the crap out of Guy Ritchie” PR machine is really working overtime. Apparently they couldn’t handle Madge getting anything less than goddess-level worshipping in the press, so they’ve started a full-fledged campaign to smear Guy as badly as possible. The problem is that though Ritchie has certainly said a few negative things about Madonna, they were utterly believable. Like the comment about how being with Madge was like “cuddling up with a piece of gristle.” That’s the most hysterically accurate thing I’ve ever heard said about Madonna.

But her camp is saying that Ritchie has said truly horrible things to her and her children, and was using her the whole time.

Madonna and Guy Ritchie’s marriage was plagued by physical and emotional abuse in recent years, friends of the couple reveal in the latest issue of Us Weekly, on newsstands now.

“She would taunt Guy, saying, ‘I should have married someone like me: strong, hot-blooded, intelligent, ambitious, spiritual,'” reveals a Ritchie source. “Their fights would often get heated. A few times Madonna slapped him or poked him.”

His reaction? “Guy called her old, fat, ugly and wrinkled and said that she was stupid and couldn’t sing,” another Madonna pal tells Us.

Meanwhile, a source tells Us Ritchie has already entered a relationship with British actress Kelly Reilly, who is starring in his upcoming drama Sherlock Holmes.

On Oct. 18 – three days after he announced he and Madonna were divorcing – he sent his driver back to his $12 million home in London’s Marylebone district “very last-minute” to pack an overnight bag for a stay at a nearby Chatham hotel — where Reilly is residing.

[From Us Weekly]

Obviously no one’s going to get out of this divorce with their dignity intact. Heaven forbid anyone consider the feelings of the three children involved in all this, and that it might not make them feel great to read such things about their parents.

People say a lot of things they don’t mean when they fight – and even worse is when they say things they do mean. Regardless of the intent, it’s plain these two should have split up a long time ago. They haven’t don’t their family any favors by exposing them to this kind of despicable behavior.

Here’s Madonna and David at the New York Kabbalah centre on September 30th. Photographer: Hugh Dillon. Images thanks to WENN.
