Hairless guinea pigs are the isolation pet we didnt know existed

While isolation is driving some folks to adopt a dog or kitten, hairless guinea pigs – also known as house hippos and skinny pigs – are causing a stir in the animal world.

It’s thanks to the Facebook group, Awkward Animals who made the very astute observation that these small creatures look a lot like tiny hippos.

“Hairless guinea pigs that look like tiny hippos,” they wrote in a post featuring several photos of the pets.

The post has since attracted more than 4500 reactions, 12,000 comments and 43,000 shares, with many expressing their delight at the unique looking animal.

“I love guinea pigs! I had two with hair never knew hairless ones existed!” commented one user.

“Omg! I have NEVER wanted a guinea pig until now! Not even when I was a little girl!” shared another.

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While skinny pigs are a great option for people who are allergic to guinea pigs, they do require more care. They can be susceptible to dry skin and will need sunscreen applied to their coat if exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time. Like all guinea pigs, they also need to be protected from cold temperatures.

However, before you place an online order for a guinea pig hutch, the breed is unfortunately not available in Australia. It’s also illegal to import them into the country as guinea pigs are deemed rodents by the Australian government.

But fear not. Some devout owners have dedicated Instagram accounts to their hairless pets, with one prominent account, @monica_the_skinny_pig amassing more than 4600 followers.
