Modded Minecraft servers are extremely fun to play. However, they are more unstable than Vanilla Minecraft servers. This is why some problems can often arise when players try to join modded servers.
One of the most prevalent errors that players trying to join a modded server have been facing as of late says, "Incomplete set of tags received from the server. Please contact the server operator."
For those looking to figure out how to resolve this error, the simplest way is to delete the local mods folder and reinstall the list of mods installed on the server you are trying to join.
Steps to fix the 'incomplete set of tags..' Minecraft error
This error is caused by a mismatching set of mods from the server-side and the client-side. This is most likely because the Minecraft client lacks some mods that the server is running, or they may be outdated.
The easiest way to resolve this error is to delete the local mods folder, then prepare a list of the mods that the server is running and reinstall these said mods to the local game client (same versions).
Fixing the error directly:
For those looking to not delete their entire mods folder, with some digging, players can easily identify precisely which mod is missing by following these steps:
Step 1: Check if the problem is with the client
Although rare, this problem may also be related to the game client rather than the mods installed. This can easily be verified by joining an unmodified server.
Players should see if they can connect to the following server IP Address:
This server supports all versions of Minecraft and is online 24/7. If players can join it, they should move onto the next step.
However, if this server cannot be joined, there is likely a bigger problem at hand, and players should instead opt to reinstall their entire game client.
Step 2: Open the Minecraft logs
If the previous testing server can successfully be joined, players should now open their game logs relevant for when they are experiencing crashing issues with the error "Incomplete set of tags received from server."
To find the game logs, players can do this:
Step 3: Search for the Error
Once the log file has been opened, players can search for the text: "Incomplete server tags" using the search function (ctrl + F) in notepad.
Players now should look for an error that looks like this:
"[main/WARN]: Incomplete server tags, disconnecting. Missing: {minecraft:block=[charm:provide_enchanting_power, charm:immovable_by_pistons, charm:nether_portal_frames, charm:barrels]}"
In the above example, there is a problem with the mod "charm," so in this case, the charm mod should be reinstalled.
Another example:
"Incomplete server tags, disconnecting. Missing: {minecraft:item=[fairylights:twinkling_lights, fairylights:pennants, fairylights:dyeable_lights, fairylights:dyeable, fairylights:lights]}"
There is a problem with the mod called "fairylights," so it should be installed (or reinstalled) on the local game client.
Step 4: Install/Re-install the required mods and retry
If players can identify a potential problem mod in the previous step, then this mod should be installed/re-installed. After this, players should attempt to reconnect to the server without issues.
If there are still problems or if it is impossible to identify any potential mods that could be causing problems in step 3, then players should opt to delete their entire mods folder and re-install all of the mods that the server is running. Players must ensure the mod versions also match exactly on the game client and the server.
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