Sam Smith's Weight Loss journey started with them thinking about how they felt about food. In a 2017 interview with 60 Minutes Australia, Smith spoke about their struggles with emotional eating. They confessed that food has always had control over them from a young age.
Ever since losing an amazing 22 kg, the Stay With Me singer has become popular for their transformation. Despite joking with James Corden that they were "down for getting fat again," they have continued to work on their health and are now putting on a lot of muscle.
Popular English singer-songwriter Sam Smith shot to fame after getting noticed on Disclosure's hit single Latch, which reached number 11 on the UK Singles Chart in 2012, before the musician soon featured on Naughty Boy's La La La, which reached number one in May 2013.
The musician explained:
"I ate when I wasn't having a good time at school or when my music wasn't going well. I would eat when I was lonely."The singer further revealed that when they were shooting their first music videos, they weren't happy with the way they looked, so they tried to control the way the camera moved and got a bit obsessive about it. Smith was constantly looking in the mirror, pinching their waist, and weighing themselves every day.
Sam Smith's Weight Loss: How Did They Lose 50 Pounds?
Sam Smith started working with a nutritional therapist to change their diet. This really got their weight loss off the ground.
In fact, Sam Smith was so satisfied and excited about this turnaround that they posted about it on social media. In a 2017 Instagram post caption, the singer revealed:
"I met a woman who has completely changed my life."They further elaborated in the post on how Amelia Freer helped them lose over a stone (6.3 kg) in two weeks, and was able to transform their relationship with food. Noting the change, Smith said:
"Its not even about weight loss, its about feeling happy in yourself."Sam Smith's Weight Loss Journey
While Sam Smith's weight loss journey began with a change in their relationship with food, it has now evolved into a healthy habit of going to the gym.
Smith has been posting pictures of their workouts on social media. These pictures show them working out at the UK gym, The Train Station. They have been making use of workouts like rope slams, dumbbell rows, and rowing ergs to get the right mix of HIIT and strength training to build some serious lean muscle. Sam Smith has also been spotted doing some brisk walking, suggesting that they like to include it in their calorie-burning activities.
Sam Smith says that they have to deal with their body image every day, even though they are still learning to change their perspective. The singer has confessed that they need to constantly train themselves to watch the right sort of films and to not look at certain ads and think that’s how their stomach should look. It’s something that they have to fight against every day.
Reading Sam Smith's Weight Loss journey will help you lose weight by making it easier for you to set a goal, create a calorie deficit, and work out.
Eating a protein-rich diet with a good amount of healthy fats will promote weight loss and muscle gain. The more muscle you gain, the greater your metabolism will be, which will lead to you feeling healthier and more energetic in general.
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