Beloved, Jonathan Demme's much-anticipated adaptation of Toni Morrison's novel, is a powerful and disturbing motion picture that is likely to leave many movie-goers unsettled as they file out of the theater. Although the movie probably runs a litt...

Calling Forrest Gump… Calling Forrest Gump… With The Butler, director Lee Daniels has managed to "Gump" the Civil Rights movement. That's not necessarily a bad thing but there are times when so many famous cameos threaten to become a distra...

As family features go, Charlotte's Web may be the best we have seen in a while. Technically adept and surprisingly affecting, the movie translates E.B. White's children's book into a motion picture that will enthrall children and engage their paren...

When Disney mothballed traditional animation in 2004 following a series of disappointing box office underperformers, the blame was placed upon changing tastes - that viewers preferred the more eye-popping style of computer-generated images to the "...

Selma offers a warts-and-all snapshot of half-century old American history: events beginning around the first of January 1965 in Selma, Alabama and culminating with the triumphant third march to Montgomery and President Johnson's introduction of ...

Along with such titles as The Hobbit, A Wizard of Earthsea, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, and The Book of Three, Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time is mandatory reading for young geeks in training. The book’s reputation as ...