Texas hit-and-run: Seven people run over in front of immigration center, seven killed

A tragic scene has unfolded in the United States where seven people have been killed in a hit-and-run incident outside an immigration centre.

The incident took place in Brownsville, Texas and as well as the seven who died, a further six were injured. A vehicle hit a crowd of people in Sunday, May 7 whilst they were at a bus stop in front of a migrant shelter, according to local authorities.

Horrifying video of Texas hit-and-run: 7 killed as group of immigrants run over by truck

Brownsville police investigator Martin Sandoval said that it happened at around 08:30. The director of the shelter, Victor Maldonado, has said that most of the victims were Venezuelan men. Venezuela has experienced a huge exodus of citizens in recent years due to the political unrest in the South American nation.

"What we see in the video is that this SUV, a Range Rover, ran the traffic light that was about 30 metres away and ran over the people who were sitting at the bus stop," Maldonado said.

He added that the SUV overturned after driving onto the pavement and continued on for about 60 metres. Some people walking on the pavement about nine metres away from the main group were also hit, Maldonado explained.

The Ozanam shelter is the only overnight shelter in the city of Brownsville and handles the release of thousands of migrants in federal custody. Brownsville has long been an epicentre of migration across the US-Mexico border, and has become a key location for next week's ending of the pandemic-era border restrictions known as Title 42.

Sandoval told KRGV-TV that authorities are investigating whether the crash was intentional or an accident. They are also conducting intoxication tests on the driver, who was detained at the scene by witnesses.
