What does a barcode tattoo mean? Everything to know before getting the symbol inked

Though barcode tattoos can bear more than one meaning, they are a commonly known symbol of protest against commercialism and capitalism in today’s world. A lot of people wear it as abstract body art due to its sleek and elegant design.

Barcodes are seen on commodities and are used to determine their value/price. Portrayed by a series of vertical black lines of varying widths and lengths, a barcode is a machine-readable depiction of characters and numerals.

This sign can be found in almost every aspect of life nowadays. Ranging from grocery items, clothes, accessories, and footwear to other merchandise. Every commercial commodity comes with these product codes imprinted on them.

Popular placements for these tattoos include the forearm, wrist, nape of the neck, and sometimes ankles. However, the placement depends on the person getting the tattoo. Visibility should also be kept in mind while getting the tattoo if one wants the symbol to be seen and its meaning established.

Different meanings of barcode tattoos

In today’s fast-paced life ruled by capitalism, humans are often treated as products. Tattoos inked in the impression of a product code can be an individual’s way of concretely establishing one’s own value, since the rest of the world may forget it in the busy humdrum of life. It can be seen as a way to ascertain one’s uniqueness.

Product code tattoos are often related to rebellion as well as anarchist values, which are embraced by goths, punks, queer people, and activists.

As a few groups of people start rejecting consumer culture to celebrate their individuality instead, new trends begin to emerge in the realms of art. The product code tattoos are one of these statements of art, posing as a symbol that takes a stance against the capitalistic and corporate-driven modern society.

The symbol is an ironic jab at consumerism. Some people get such tattoos as a constant reminder to themselves so that they don't lose their individuality, as no two barcodes of products are identical.

The product code sign can also symbolize ownership. If an individual feels deeply influenced by an object, or some particular event or dream, as if they're owned by it, they can get this tattoo to represent their connection with the said thing.

Although real product codes always come in black ink, when it comes to a tattoo, one can personalize it and put different colors in a way that best represents the meaning they want to convey. The numbers under the code can also be chosen as per someone’s birth date, or some other memorable date. One can also ink their lucky numbers under the bars.

Alphabets can also be incorporated under the code, along with numerals. It could be the initials of an individual's name, or the initial could also belong to someone close to them.

An individual can also get product code tattoos just for the sake of its bold and chic design. A person might just find the overall design and look of the tattoo intriguing even if they do not feel any personal connection to the symbol. Tattoos don't necessarily have to hold a certain meaning for a person. It can simply be a piece of art or design that is fascinating to look at.

The typical design of the product code can also be improvised when inked on the skin. One can draw a zip slider along the bars and add a chain at the end. Alternatively, the bars can be drawn as the bars of a cage that has been ripped apart from the middle, implying the person has finally broken free from the shackles of whatever was holding them back.

Barcode tattoo (Image via Pinterest/@nextluxury)
Barcode tattoo (Image via Pinterest/@yudhasamudra)

A person belonging to the LGBTQIA+ community can replace the black ink with rainbow-colored ink and get the parallel lines colored progressively in a way that creates a rainbow.

While barcode tattoos are not a mainstream tattoo design, they're on the rise. Body art enthusiasts are also going for QR code tattoos to expand the variation of barcode tattoo designs.

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