What is multivalued attribute?


It is possible for an attribute to have more than one value at the same time when it is a multivalued attribute. Because a surgeon may possess more than one talent, the skills of a surgeon, for example, are a multivalued characteristic. The address field, which may have numerous values such as zipcode, street address, state, and so on is another prominent example of this kind of field.


Furthermore, please explain what a multivalued attribute is and provide an example.

A multivalued attribute of an entity is an attribute that may have more than one value associated with it when the entity’s key is used as the key. For example, a major corporation may have several divisions, some of which may be located in various places throughout the world.


Furthermore, is the address a property with multiple values?

The vast majority of characteristics are atomic attributes. Multivalued A multivalued attribute may contain one or many values for a specific entity, depending on the kind of attribute. For example, an individual’s address, which is made up of atomic qualities such as City, Zip, and Street, is an example of a composite attribute in use today.


Also, what are the difficulties associated with multivalued attributes?

Multivalued characteristics may create difficulties with the meaning of data recorded in a database, cause search to take substantially longer, and set excessive constraints on the quantity of data that can be kept in an organization’s database. Consider the following scenario: you have an employee object that has characteristics for the names and birth dates of dependents.


What are the different kinds of attributes?

Types of characteristics in a relational database management system, with an example

ATTRIBUTES OF THE ATOMIC FORMULA The term “atomic attribute” refers to an attribute that cannot be subdivided into smaller, independently defined attributes.

ATTRIBUTE OF A COMPOSITE. A composite attribute is an attribute that may be separated into smaller independent attributes and is used to describe the relationship between them.






There were 36 related questions and answers found.


What is the definition of a simple attribute?

Simple attribute atomic values that cannot be subdivided further are referred to as simple attributes. For example, the phone number of a student is represented as an atomic value of ten digits. Composite attribute Composite attributes are made up of many basic characteristics that are combined to form a composite attribute.


What exactly are personal characteristics?

Personal characteristics, attributes, and personality traits are the characteristics, attributes, and personality traits of an individual. Personal characteristics such as honesty, a strong sense of humour, and dependability are examples of such characteristics.


What exactly is a foreign key in a relational database management system?

Foreign keys are columns or groups of columns in a relational database table that serve as a connection between data in two different databases, such as the same table and another table. From the field of foreign key theory, we have developed the idea of referential integrity. Foreign keys, as well as their implementation, are more difficult to understand than main keys.


Is it possible for a multivalued attribute to serve as a primary key?

Multivalued characteristics are unable to function as primary keys. Multivalued characteristics, on the other hand, are in violation of the First Normal Form. As a result, it is recommended that you establish a new table and insert multivalued attributes into it. By the way, if any unique combination of D will define a unique value of E, you may use E as the main key for that combination.


What is the difference between single valued and multivalued attributes?

A single value may be included inside an instance of a single-valued attribute. Instances of multivalued attributes may include a single value or several values, depending on the kind of multivalued property. Additionally, each value of a multi-valued property must be distinct from the others.


What is the key characteristic in a relational database management system?

A DBMS key is an attribute or group of attributes that is used to identify a row (tuple) in a relation in a database management system (table). They make it possible to determine the relationship between two tables. Keys assist you in identifying a row in a table by a combination of one or more columns in that table, which is unique to that row. As an example, consider the employee identification number.


When you say “normalisation,” what exactly do you mean?

Insertion, update, and deletion anomalies are all examples of undesired qualities that may be eliminated using normalisation, which is a systematic way of dissecting tables to minimise data duplication (repetition). There are many steps involved in converting data into tabular form and deleting duplicate data from the relation tables.


What distinguishes a table from other objects?

The following are the properties of a relational table: When you look at a table, you see it as a two-dimensional structure made of rows and columns. In the entity set, each row of the table (also known as a tuple) corresponds to a single instance of the entity represented by the table row. Each column represents a characteristic, and each column has a unique name to distinguish it from the others.


What is a derived attribute, and how does it work?

When an attribute’s value is computed (derived) from other attributes, it is referred to as a derived attribute. Rather than requiring actual storage inside the database, the derived property might be derived via the use of an algorithm.


What are composite qualities, and how do they work?

“A composite attribute is an attribute whose values may be further separated into relevant sub-parts when the values of the attribute are used.” Name is a good example of a composite property since it may be recorded as a first name, last name, and middle initial all at the same time.


What is a single value attribute, and how does it work?

When an attribute has just one value at a certain point in time, it is referred to as a “single valued attribute.” A person can’t have more than one age value associated with them. As a result, the age of a person is represented by a single integer.


What is the main key in a relational database management system?

A primary key is a column in a table that is used to identify each row/record in a database table in a unique manner. Primary keys must have values that are distinct from one another. It is not possible for a main key column to include NULL values. A table may only have one primary key, which can be made up of a single field or a collection of fields.


What is the meaning of cardinality in a database?

Cardinality is a term used in relational databases to describe the uniqueness of data values contained inside a column. A high cardinality column indicates that it includes a significant proportion of values that are completely unique. Low cardinality indicates that a column includes a large number of “repeats” inside its data range, which is undesirable.
