Why Fans Love Over Atlantic

Over Atlantic are an international band with members from across the globe. These places include the UK, US and Sweden. The band have fans from across the globe who love them for all different kinds of reasons, and here’s some.

Jaqueline | 18 | Switzerland – “I love them because they are really talented and are so connected with us. They were born to be together, they make a good harmony. They’re so special. It’s crazy to see that in a short time, I’ve got so attached to them. I believe in their talent and I know they will have a lot of success! I’m here to support them and I will be until the end.”

Brandy | 18 | USA – “I love Over Atlantic because they are super sweet, funny and crazy talented (and their looks are a definite bonus). But for real, the first time I saw them was when they were on Kenny Holland’s little four-date tour, which was so fun! And just by judging from that night, I can tell that they are gonna get big pretty fast! They were incredible! I’m so glad I know this band and I can’t wait to see where they go and what they’ll do next!”

Lis | 14 | Brazil – “I love Over Atlantic because they’re the best idols I could ever ask for. They make me feel better and happy just being themselves. They make me believe in my dreams and trust in my goals. They’re all so talented and sweet with their fans, what makes me excited for the future and love Over Atlantic more, and more.”

Sumeya | 16 | Switzerland – “I love them for too many reasons. They are so talented and we can see that they love what they do and are so passionate. They have something special and different from other bands. They are all so amazing and make me laugh and happy every time! They are so close to the fans and try their best to always interact and have interactions with all of us. They also try to always keep us informed about where they are, and I feel a strong connection with them. They make me so happy.”

Chloe | 17 | England – “I love Over Atlantic because well, they’re brilliant. I am so proud of these lads, they haven’t been around for long but I feel like they’ve achieved so much already. Their covers and vlogs are enough to make me smile and laugh on a bad day. They have great chemistry between them considering all of their differences including geographically and they are incredible. Also, they’re just so cute it honestly makes my day. They make so many people smile and it warms my heart so much. These boys are going to go so far and I’m so proud of them. They make me so happy and I love them so much.”

Abi | 16 | England – “I love them because they are always there for their fans and you can see how they care about them. They also their best to interact with them as much as they can, and whenever one of their fans meet them you can see how their day brightens so much just by meeting them. It’s honestly the cutest thing. They are just generally lovely and down to earth people who will always be there for their fans.”

Megs | 17 | England – “I love OA because they genuinely care about their fans aside from being super talented. They put on an insane live performance and they’ve done so much in such a small space of time, we’re all very proud and they’ll have our support for a very long time.”

Maria | 17 | Romania – “I love Over Atlantic because they’re so talented, they work so well together as a band and put so much passion into what they do. They are extremely down to Earth and genuine. It’s so nice to see that they appreciate all of our support and put in a lot of effort into meeting and interacting with fans. Last but not least, they’re all very good looking.

This band is going to become big really soon and I honestly can’t wait for that moment to happen because they deserve it a lot.”

Bethany | 16 | England – “There are many reasons why I love the five boys that make up Over Atlantic, too many reasons to count in fact.

As many people point out, they are all very attractive but that’s just the start of it, they are all the sweetest people you will ever meet and they genuinely care about their fans. They always make time for us, and they never let us down. They go out of their way to make sure we’re happy. They have so much talent and their music is some of the best you will ever hear. They have helped us all through a lot and mean so much to us all. Personally, I couldn’t thank them enough for being so great.”

Brenda | 17 | Northern Ireland – “Over Atlantic are genuinely some of the most down to Earth lads I have ever found, especially since they don’t really seem to care what anyone thinks and they’ll just be themselves, even after only meeting a few months ago. They’re just a group of lads having a bit of fun doing what they love, they’re carefree and funny and it brings a smile to your face to see them so happy. I don’t think I can leave out how talented they are too, like their live shows are already so great within such a short period, and the indication is that the EP will be just as good. My point is, I love Over Atlantic because they bring a smile to my face, no matter what.”

These are just some of the many reasons why fans love Over Atlantic, but do you love them? If the answer is yes, be sure to let us know why by tweeting us @CelebMix.
